Monday, June 11, 2007

Above \below average doesnt matter

Holidays have become the most boring part of my life after 3-2.. Life is going through the new dimensions of failures..Last night i have finished reading a book titled 'ABOVE AVERAGE' which somewhat is closer to my real life. though it focuses on the success of Boy ..since then i believed that after every failure theres a Success waiting at your Door .


MY 3-2 results were 'BELOW AVERAGE'
screwed up a placement worstly
then the last few days i have been feeling lonely.
Then i realised that Loneliness is what u create when u are sad and dream about empty future.
so i kept meeting my friends , talking to them in phone etc., made me forget the bitter taste of Loneliness. the best part was our tour to Neckalce Road after an EK DUM CHICKEN biryani at
Paradise hotel ( A treat by Teja) , then we set to NR in our HARLEY's(hehe teja's Splendor and chala's scooter) on the road and discovered the passion of Roadies . My 3230 and teja's Digicam were the sources to capture the moments . then Had an ice cream ,shared Victory ..and returned back home before the Rain God tried to drown us.. on the whole it was a fantastic exploration in the city center..
Then i learnt that friends and environment plays an important role when u feel LONELY .
It's left to you which one u choose . I chose friends and environment than to feel sad and lonely by digging ur Failures ...


Quicksilver said...

dude ! im sorry u had to feel this way. but good things in life await you. choose ur goal and work towards it. we'll be there to help u out.

Little Corporal said...

amazing first blog juli...kinda cheered me a lil...good times are not far away bro...just work as much as we can..and wait...

Shyamal Kumar said...

gr8 work dude it was touchin'(at few instance) but made me realize somethin' dat i would never realized

Ravi Nanduri said...

i was der thru all tat stuff wid i understand ur feelings..ok na...never mind....good times r always stay kool n focussed on it n dont let these things bog u down

Unknown said...

i totally agree with what the rest have to say. u are a guy with amazing potential .just keep workin hard and the rest will follow :)

" ShAnThI " said...

oi intha baga pindestav ani anukoledu.........assal ....
bagundi ani antunna total ga....
anyway, donworry memantha.....average stock, ne chuttu inthamandi untey nekendukukoi benga?
sarle kani cheer up dude.....u got an awesome a WRITER........i bet.......entha antava?
5 rupees (note..coin kadu)ok na?
ade bet ........

Mystic Freak said...

bamardhi i am shocked...

u write well bay..

mana INTER rojulu gurthu vochayeee...

dont worry dude every thing happens for ur own GUD..